Everyone has a story to tell. Some are page-turners, some are fairytales. Some are full of heartbreak and crushed dreams, while others are still in progress. My story falls somewhere in the middle. I rebelled as a young man, searching for my place in the world. Religion set a high bar that was nearly impossible to meet, so I stopped trying. Dark days led to even darker years as my searching caused me to hurt others and ignore my purpose. My life looked a lot like the Prodigal Son story in the Bible, including that moment of coming home and being welcomed into the arms of a loving father. I even put that experience into words in a song aptly titled 'Prodigal Son'. What holes religion couldn't fill, Love and Grace eventually did. But it took a few wrong turns to get there.
Along with writing songs, I am also an author and an artist --you will find some of my artwork spread out around here.
As much as I would love for you to like my stuff, ultimately I just want to share some of the hard lessons I've learned. I don't believe that we all have to go through the School of Hard Knocks. God is good and kind, and we don't have to earn His love.
Like I said, everyone has a story. I would like to tell you mine if you would like to hear it.